Artificial floral arrangement - Square Container (Cherry Bloom with Peonies)
Artificial floral arrangement - Square Container (Cherry Bloom with Peonies)
Artificial floral arrangement - Square Container (Cherry Bloom with Peonies)

Artificial floral arrangement - Square Container (Cherry Bloom with Peonies)

Regular price $98.00 Sale

Artificial floral arrangement in Gold square Container
- Cherry Bloom with Peonies

Small Square container size: 10cm x 10cm
Small container with arrangement: Approx 35cm W x 48cm H

Medium Square Container size: 15cm x 15cm

Size of floral arrangement varies depending on design

Self Collection

Starships Flowers & Balloons @ Enabling Village 

20 Lengkok Bahru, Enabling village, #01-11, S159053 

Mon - Fri: 9am - 6pm 
Sat, Sun & PH : Closed

Delivery fee: Flat rate of $30 per location

Social Media

Instagram : starshipsballoons

Facebook : starshipsballoons

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