Locate Us - Balloon Outlets

 Office Headquarters 

Primz Bizhub, 21 Woodlands Close, #07-34. S(737854)

11am - 6pm (Mon - Friday)

Closed on Sat/Sun and Public Holidays

+65 9144 2134 

Please call/whatsapp us for any enquires or appointments before heading down to our Head Office.


Retail Outlets

Please do lookout for our carts at our various locations! Also we provide Helium Gas services as well, simply bring your balloon to any one of our outlets and check with the staff for the procedure!


Clarke Quay Central, The Polliwogs, 6 Eu Tong Sen St Clarke Quay, #04-63, S(059817)


10.00am - 8.00pm (Mon-Sun & PH) | +65 6970 0867


ITE College Central, 2 Ang Mo Kio Drive, Epitome Centre, Block A, Unit 01-05, S(567720)

11.30am - 5.30pm (Mon-Fri)    +65 9144 2134 (Whatsapp)


Vivo City, The Polliwogs, 1 Harbour Front Walk, #03-12, S(098585)


9.30am - 7.30pm (Mon - Thur, Sun), 9.30am - 8.30pm (Fri - Sat) | +65 6376 8097 




Enabling Village, Starships Flowers & Balloons, #01-11, 20 Lengkok Bahru, S(159053)

Operating hours:
11am - 8pm (Mon - Fri)  | +65 9144 2134 (Whatsapp)  


Net Orders Checkout

Item Price Qty Total
Subtotal $0.00

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Shipping Methods